
Guys! I'm honestly proud of our first Grayson Dolan fanfic! It's not complete, we still need to see if people will like it to decide to continue it, so it'd mean the world to us if you'd check it out!❤️


Hey guys! Follow me and my cousin @purplenurple99 ❤️ we'll be taking any recommendations for imagines and short stories, of ANYONE of your choice! Thanks Loves❤️ For example we can do the Dolan Twins, any 80s or 90s guys you love, and our range won't be small so be as open with whoever you want as we are Thanks A Million ~Angie and Emy


Heyy! Thanks for all the support while I was gone! I've received many requests to continue my stories, and I'd be happy to oblige.. (<---Idk, Heard it in school..) Anyway, thanks guys! Love you all, I can't be specific on when the new updates will appear, but you all have my word, it'll be between now and next week! 
          STAY LOVELY! ~Angie, Fellow DiCaprio Lover!


@IngridAriana415 I'm planning on updating between now and next week.. I've been inactive for a bit and now I really have to step it up this year.