this message may be offensive
You wrote a comment on chapter 29 for Complicated and I wanted to ask what you mean?
You said I had some parts missing and I don't exactly understand that. I made sure to include everything that I could into that chapter. If anything, I would know if I was missing anything or not.
Also, I don't mind criticism on my stories, I welcome it even, but the thing is I don't like when people comment saying my chapter is and I quote "fucked up" you could've told me what you didn't like without being so rude and disrespectful.
I'm a fairly new writer, joined Wattpad in October and started my first story in November, so no, I may not be the best writer. If someone tells me I need to work on something I try my best to. I've never had anyone say something like that to me, so mean, but I've had people give constructive criticism.
I just wanted to let you know that next time you want to comment on one of my chapters don't tell me to update another one of my books. I have my reasons for not updating SAPWMBFB. It says on hold and there is a reason so don't think I'm one of those writers who don't finish what they start.
Granted, I would really like to know what you think I am missing in my last updated chapter, nicely, it would be extremely helpful.
Thank you.