
I'm going to work my BUTT off to get this chapter done. My mind is finally stress free, especially after this tense and emotional week this country has endured. To know that my family in Boston is safe for now is a relief. My heart goes to the four who lost their lives because of this horrific series of events and their families and to the city of Boston. May you recover from this and stay strong. <3


I'm going to work my BUTT off to get this chapter done. My mind is finally stress free, especially after this tense and emotional week this country has endured. To know that my family in Boston is safe for now is a relief. My heart goes to the four who lost their lives because of this horrific series of events and their families and to the city of Boston. May you recover from this and stay strong. <3


I'm real sorry guys. I really wanted to get working on the newest chapter for BL, but of course school just had to butt in and dump me with a bunch of chapter questions, a project, and a few essays due so I'm just swamped. I got no time at all. I need to focus if I wanna ace that stupid test my global history teacher gives us-.-


BRLEHOJWOMG!!!!!!! I can not find the will to write!!! there's this one stupid scene in the next chapter I just CAN NOT get right!! And I don't want to delete it and write something else cause I don't know what else to write!!!! BLARHFIWMO!!!!!


hey guys! so I'll hopefully be posting up the new chapter of BL today or tomorrow (probably tomorrow) since I'm almost done. But I am a BIG directioner (meaning one direction fanatic) and please please PLEASE go on and vote for them!!!! PLEASE!!!! (no offense to you people who want to vote for that kpop group) vote as much as you want!


Argh!!!!!! I wanted to try nd get a new chapter up today, but i cant!!!!! I hav a good amount done for TSTSY, but its not even half way done, nd dont even get me started with BL, so you'll just have to wait til next week im sorry!! If i could, i wouod write in boston, but i dont think i can. As soon as school ends for me, im leaving so again sorry! no upload this week!!!!