Dearest loved ones,
So... Time is ticking closer to 2016. I'm slightly (incredibly so) disappointed with 2015. I've been.... Stuck. Stuck in life, in a moment that never ends, stuck in this world. Ive lost myself... And I don't know when I'll be found. I've recently gotten back to reading (something I had stopped doing as well) and slowly started writing a few words that become sentences, paragraphs, etc. I haven't done much lately, but I'm in a state of rediscovery. A journey to find myself.
I hope that in that journey, I find you all, as well. That I find the words to put together and give to you all. I had so much I wanted to share with you all, yet it never came to be. This upsets me. I upset me. You know what I mean?
Life just passes by me, and it doesn't even stop by to say hello. Or maybe I haven't opened my eyes to what's going on, and just walked forward with my eyes closed. Without a clue of what's going on. I want that to stop.
I want 2016 to be my year. To be your year. To be an amazing year for everyone. I want 2015 to be the best of more years to come. Better yet, to have eternal years full of joy and happiness. I wish the best for it.
My hope and resolution (fingers crossed) for this year, is to delve deeper into the things that make me happy. Reading, writing, painting, and drawing make me happy. So I hope this year is a better tomorrow for us all.
Best wishes & Love,
Lola Heart ❤