
*pops in and waves* Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone! I hope all is well! During this time I would like to address that all of you are amazing and loved and I hope you are all safe during this unfortunate time. If you all need anything, talk, vent, and all, my account and private messages are always open to everyone. I’ll get back to all whenever I get the chance. Any questions about any stories on my account you want to know, I will also answer too!
          	I can’t wait to come back in full swing for all stories and to continue and make new ones for you all to enjoy and read!
          	New things to look forward to are new characters who I have made with some friends over the past year and a half! And I can’t wait to introduce those said characters when the time comes!
          	With that, I love you all, stay healthy and safe, and will be back soon.
          	With love,
          	Kazumi Moon <3


Thank you for a good wish and I hope you’ve been doing good yourself.


*pops in and waves* Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone! I hope all is well! During this time I would like to address that all of you are amazing and loved and I hope you are all safe during this unfortunate time. If you all need anything, talk, vent, and all, my account and private messages are always open to everyone. I’ll get back to all whenever I get the chance. Any questions about any stories on my account you want to know, I will also answer too!
          I can’t wait to come back in full swing for all stories and to continue and make new ones for you all to enjoy and read!
          New things to look forward to are new characters who I have made with some friends over the past year and a half! And I can’t wait to introduce those said characters when the time comes!
          With that, I love you all, stay healthy and safe, and will be back soon.
          With love,
          Kazumi Moon <3


Thank you for a good wish and I hope you’ve been doing good yourself.


*blows dust off my account* Erm.. Heyo, I'm back.. Somewhat.
          Uh, I should probably start off by saying sorry for disappearing for a couple a months and not continuing my stories. I went into a little mental downward spiral and I've been going through hell and back with it this for the past couple of months. It's been rough, really rough that I lost a lot of motivation to continue anything in general.
          I'm doing better, not 100%, but I'm there for the most part. Still working on myself and everything. But I'm glad I'm getting a tiny bit better for the most part.
          As for stories, many of them will continue soon. I don't have an exact date but they will start up once again!
          Stories are;
          "Did You Forget, For I Am Mad?"
          "Sally Face x Reader One Shots"
          "Keep Smiling, Sweetheart" (Danganronpa Story)
          Those stories will have my full attention once I'm fully back into the writing mindset. Thank you all for reading them and liking them. I appreciate you all so much. Thank you <3
          Until then, have a good morning/afternoon/evening <3
          Be back soon.~


@waffedonut thank you, dear!! <3 <3


Can't wait for the second book of "Did you Forget, For I am Mad?"!


@OldestSibling101 soon! I've been working on other projects that's been distracting me from writing at the moment!~ But I'll get back to it soon!~


Currently working on the Epilogue for “Did You Forget, For I Am Mad?” and I’m just trying to figure out all the ages at the moment because right now the story and chapters currently taking place in the year 2016 and I’m doing so much math for the ages.. I haven’t done anything math related for like 2-3 years already? That’s a big yikes.
          But yeah, I’m fixing up the ages and things and once everything is all fix I can continue writing out the Epilogue. It’s going to be a blast lmao ❤️