☆Like I have said before my Babygirl is more important to me than anything or anyone else she will always come first. If you don't like that than end our roleplay. I have said this so many times but people don't get it through their head.☆
☆You can't cheat on someone if you're in love with them, you just can't do it, you wouldn't ever consider doing it. If you can cheat on someone you claim to be in love with, you're not in love, you're just in love with the idea of being loved.☆
☆I don't have time for High School drama like damn you can't steal names okay one they don't belong to you two they're either Googling them like I didn't or they're using it because they like that name it does not mean that they are stealing or copying off you okay so let's get that right okay and if you come to me telling me "go tell your little friend that she needs to stop" like bitch that's between you and that person not me (unless they are my friend or I roleplay with them) okay I don't have time for High School drama okay you sound like a goddamn 5-year-old I have a baby girl that I need to take care of okay I don't need this shit in my life okay so keep your goddamn drama away from me!!!☆
☆I am busy with life and getting things ready for when my babygirl gets here so if you can't understand that than please don't talk to me because my babygirl is way more important to my than anything else in this world. And if you do understand that than thank you for your patience I really appreciate and I will try to message you back when I get the chance to.☆