
...continue living in this wonderful world full of chaos. Don't mind those problems and manage to smile. Because God is bigger than our problems. He's our apprentice in solving those nonsense things. Let's live life to the fullest! Everyday is a gift from God and a start of a new beginning. So, smile! Click! :) That's more I like it.


...continue living in this wonderful world full of chaos. Don't mind those problems and manage to smile. Because God is bigger than our problems. He's our apprentice in solving those nonsense things. Let's live life to the fullest! Everyday is a gift from God and a start of a new beginning. So, smile! Click! :) That's more I like it.


Spread the good vibes and happines. :))
          Yeah! Life is hard and tough, but don't you ever forget to put a smile on your face. It makes everything absolutely perfect. And yeah maybe there's no such thing as perfect, but who cares?! There's a God above who made us perfectly and felt to us how special we are to Him. :))) We're so lucky, right? No matter what, no matter how sinful we are, He's always there to guide us and to shower us the blessings eventhough we're not worth it for those. As an evidence of His undying love and forgiveness is our Life, He still allowed us to continue this life, to cherish it and to correct our past mistakes. Of course, also to change into a good one, a child of Him who's worth it for all His sacrifices and everlasting Love. :'))))
             So, let's