Hello, I have a question that I am curious to be answered. I have always believed in God, going to churches, worshiping him and his son, Jesus, and praying to him. But I sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough? I feel like I might not be his child, I feel like I'm not going to heaven to worship him there fully. Am I doing something wrong? Am I okay? I need some help as this has been the back of my head for several days now. I am afraid but I still trust him. So if you have any tips/ideas for me to help then thank you. (Also please ignore the spelling/grammar mistakes, thank you)
@smileystrawberries hello!! perhaps you can think of it this way: if you see yourself as not worthy of God's love, wouldn't that be calling Him a liar? listen, He gave His one and only Son to die on that cross for us. it was because He loves us and thinks each and every one of us are precious in His eyes. Billy Graham once said that whenever it feels like Jesus/God isn't close to you at that moment, it actually might be the moment when He is the closest to you since you have to walk by sheer faith. Don't let the Devil whisper lies into your ear!