
I believe that while you were on your old account you commented on my story. I must apologize for not responding sooner, this is my second account and I rarely use it, and it addition I also forgot my password, so again, I'm very sorry. Now that you mention another chapter, it doesn't sound like a bad idea, I may add another chapter. However, I will need a bit more time to write it. I'm not very fluent in this type of writing so it takes me a while to write something and be pleased with it, but a challenge is always amusing. In the mean time, I am almost done with a Sebastian (from Black Butler) mild lemon that's similar to this one. And for the record, you can request basically anything and I will try my hardest to oblige. I am here to write what my followers want so if there is a specific scene or character you want written, I would be more than happy to do so at my highest ability. 