
@eleni_cherie will do (:


im just a big grammar freak (in stories, not when im just chatting. lol)  so i get all paranoid ;P
          poptarts are life.
          lol school assignment books ALWAYS stink unless its like.. a "your pick" kind of book ;P 
          but seriously thanks for the compliments and motivational speech haha :) i forgot what happens in the first chapters anyways.. which probably isnt good but still lol


@omg_poptarts Trust me with my horrific grammar I probably won't even notice :) Everyone has blips. Haha poptarts are like crack in delicious food form.
          And I believe that people who deserve complaints, need to get them. So you keep on writing and giving me a reason to keep reading. Because let me tell you, your book has more interesting stuff in the first 9 chapters then in the 21 i'm assigned for school. :)