
So, I know other people feel this way but this really aggravate me. So, I have OCD but I also have depression and sometimes I want to clean but I'll be feeling down and depressed and then it won't get done for weeks. Sometimes I'm ok with it but then there are days like today where I have a whole bunch of stuff to do and I really feel like laying down and going to sleep.


So, I know other people feel this way but this really aggravate me. So, I have OCD but I also have depression and sometimes I want to clean but I'll be feeling down and depressed and then it won't get done for weeks. Sometimes I'm ok with it but then there are days like today where I have a whole bunch of stuff to do and I really feel like laying down and going to sleep.


Does it make me transphobic to think that even though you change your gender it doesn't really matter because in the end when you die you will be identified as the gender you were born as and not the gender you identify as?


@Lover_in_Hell I feel like you think I think you're transphobic


@Lover_in_Hell Well, I'm not going to take sides but hormones can change your bone density (I believe) so it might make a difference. As well, their tombstone would (most likely) have their preferred name on it.
            This is an argument used by transphobes to justify their misgendering and such. But I understand what you mean. As long as you respect their name and pronouns and identity, it should be fine


My step-dad probably thinks I'm insane because I've been in isolation and he came in and I was talking to my computer and he asked multiple times who I was talking to and I told him my computer and now I just have this feeling he thinks I'm insane.


@Lover_in_Hell My parents lost their last hope at me being sane years ago.... Although I haven't been trying to change that...


@PERCABETHFORLIFE15 hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa


@Lover_in_Hell He probably thinks we're both insane because I was doing the same thing and he looked at me like I was crazy. BTW thanks to you I now share a room with Alex and Jeff. Jeff decides when I'm allowed in the room.


Everything makes sense know I was watching attack on titans and the titan that killed Eren's mom is his dad's ex wife who got turned into a titan for conspiring to bring back their people. So, know we know why Eren's mom was killed she stole someone else's man.


@Lover_in_Hell  you said the same thing to me this morning I still have no clue what you're talking about


my mom broke her ankle and she is crying and won't let me do anything for her and it hurts me a lot to see her this way because she has always been the strong one of our family


@Art_queen15 we thought it was broken


@Lover_in_Hell gab mom didn't break it's just sprained


I hate my life! They expect me to be able to get up and ready at 5 am and i am 12 i got yelled at by my step-dad for it.


@Lover_in_Hell hey umm idk if I made you mad but I’m sorry


@Lover_in_Hell hi my computer is being a butt and so I have to tell you goodnight and love you on here