
Recently, I have been feeling down and unmotivated to write. Check out my work and let me know what you guys think. I had a book where all my handwritten poems were kept. I went to study in a different country and came back to my things being thrown out or nowhere to be found. Deep down I cried because that book had some of my favourite works because they were from my high school days. My phone suddenly gave up on me two days ago and I also had more poems saved on my notes but now they are all gone. Don't be like me, save your work and keep it safe they are precious and I'm just very sad that I lost them due to my negligence. I hope all of you have a good day and that none of you ever go through this. lovelove xx


Recently, I have been feeling down and unmotivated to write. Check out my work and let me know what you guys think. I had a book where all my handwritten poems were kept. I went to study in a different country and came back to my things being thrown out or nowhere to be found. Deep down I cried because that book had some of my favourite works because they were from my high school days. My phone suddenly gave up on me two days ago and I also had more poems saved on my notes but now they are all gone. Don't be like me, save your work and keep it safe they are precious and I'm just very sad that I lost them due to my negligence. I hope all of you have a good day and that none of you ever go through this. lovelove xx


Hi guys,
          I just posted another poem on my book and I hope it'll inspire some of you to still move forward in life even if you feel like you're not doing much. It's almost December and Finals are near, Good luck and I wish you guys the best. 


thanks for voting on Engulfed by Aries! I hope you enjoyed it ^o^
          If you'd like to see more about Erebus and Asteria, I recommend checking out the extended version~


@LuliWrites you're welcome. I really did enjoy and loved reading your story. Well done and God Bless you ♥♥♥  