You know what my friends. I'm going to write the chapter on pages them copy it onto Wattpad so you all cab read them! I hope you enjoy my new chapters on ocean and hammer. They are awesome!
You know what guys ill just use Wattpad to read other people's stuff and I'll write on pages. When I finish any of my books I'll tell you guys and you can give me your emails and I can maybe send you the document. But only when finished. When will be in.... Months. Maybe even a year. I'm really slow. My scho
OMG. It's needs to get its act together major time. When I got the email telling me you sent me a message it was all jumbled up! This is what it said: jwidhwondarakkekdbansgaigekwhdmsh
GUyS! I am so sorry. I'm sooooo fed up with Wattpad! It keeps messing up my stories. I'm going to copy all my story's to pages, and fix them. Then I'm going to delete my account. I'm sorry