
New chapter out tomorrow…


hiya everyone!!
          we just want to say that we are coming back! 
          we have so much planned still for this book so bare with us, we have just been so busy that we haven’t had the time to just sit down and write!
          we love and appreciate all of you!
          love xx


This is crazy!! 
          Thank you guys so so much, we cannot even describe how appreciative we are of every single one of you reading our book!
          We started writing this book back in 2022 and wouldn’t think today that it would get this much love.
          We love every single one of you and can’t thank you enough for this!
          We’re so happy you love Million Dollar Man and can’t wait to share more chapters with you!!
          Thank you so much 
          LoverRock24 & Westcoastbittie 


hey lovelies!!
          sorry we’ve been slightly inactive- we have been super busy and had no time to get writing, however new chapters are coming so stick around for those!
          again thank you for all the love for this story, your votes, comments and adding to reading lists really mean a lot to us!! 
          love you all