Hey, y'all I am at a very big tournament today! I made it to Nationals in forensics. I'm a freshman in high school going to the National Catholic Forensics League. (NCFL) Wish me luck!!!
Hey, y'all I am at a very big tournament today! I made it to Nationals in forensics. I'm a freshman in high school going to the National Catholic Forensics League. (NCFL) Wish me luck!!!
Hey, y'all this is kind of depressing because it just hit me all at once. I realized that I never got to hug my older cousin before he died because he died when he was nine months old, and I was a newborn, but also, I never even got to meet him because I lived in Arizona and he lived in Kansas.
So I am having a really bad day. I was going to go back to school, but it got canceled for today and tomorrow. If I do not get to see people that I am not related to, I am going to go crazy, and nothing, I mean nothing, good happens when I go crazy.
Hey Sister!! How's Life and to any one who is Reading this I'm The Sister she's Talking About in her Bio!! Anyway when are you gonna post a Story They??