
Hey, y'all I am at a very big tournament today! I made it to Nationals in forensics. I'm a freshman in high school going to the National Catholic Forensics League. (NCFL) Wish me luck!!!


Hey, y'all this is kind of depressing because it just hit me all at once. I realized that I never got to hug my older cousin before he died because he died when he was nine months old, and I was a newborn, but also, I never even got to meet him because I lived in Arizona and he lived in Kansas.


Hey Sister!! How's Life and to any one who is Reading this I'm The Sister she's Talking About in her Bio!! Anyway when are you gonna post a Story They??


@Tegan091505 you know I have a idea give me 3 to 5 weeks okay sis


Hi I am lovesong2005 


@Lovesong2005 ok George Weasley and Hermione Granger I am Fred 