I think everyone has a right to express their opinion on the matter. But they don't need to go right out and be jerks about it. I read the description and understand she wrote that she was just re-creating the book, but putting that in the description doesn't make it right. She has no rights to the book and anyone who thinks different, would you want anyone taking your book just because things didn't make sense to them. No. So don't go bagging on @SofiaPtv because she her book was stolen. People also need to stop with all the unnecessary hate comments. I know you don't like that she stolen the book, neither do I, but you don't have to be so rude about it. You can express your opinion without having to be so mean. Like honestly, would you want people to comments like that on your page. Didn't think so. I do not agree with the fact that she stole a book. If I could, I would report it, but I can't report a copyright infringement because I am not the original author. If you were a true author you would take the book down, apologize, and continue on with the other book you have started. Also, @SofiaPtv had every right to make it known that her book was stolen. It's HER book. She's not encouraging cyber bullying either. She is just asking people to help reclaim what should have never been stolen. @lovestorychick101, I understand that things didn't make sense to you, but you didn't have to try and rewrite the book and publish it. That's my opinion on the subject. If people think different, I don't care.