
am i back in my fnaf phase again? yes. ami making a fic for it. also yes. read Like a Lamb to the Slaughter, ch 3 should be out now.


Hi everyone!!!! I’m so sorry for not being active lately.... or at all lol. I’m on a bit of a hiatus, I’m very busy with school and other things, and I need a bit of time to kind of recollect. I will definitely be updating Metallic Symphony and will continue Little Miss Two-Faced when I get back!!! I’m so incredibly sorry for the inactivity. Sending you all the best!!!   


@Lovetea5 That's fine! School is more important. I have school since August and I've been taking a break from Wattpad but I only check notifications


Hi! Just finish Aless and I absolutely love it though I was really sad for Heisenberg in the end, he didn't deserve this. I may have cry a little in the end. 


Aww ❤️ I’m so happy you loved it so much! I’m sorry you cried :( ❤️❤️ this makes me so happy to know you liked it :D