
chapter 4 coming at quarter to 3 of hellfire today...


Hey :) so as u can tell for the past two years I have been very inactive on my books lately and don't get me wrong... I love the way I wrote them at the start as they were a passion from 2017 but I'm not gonna lie the passion has disappeared so I was wondering if anyone wanted to continue them on a different account or if I should just delete them? Its just, im always trying to think of new things to write for them but it almost feels like a job writing them and I was 13 when I started writing them which is why I'm gonna be working on books that haven't been published yet... I'm really sorry to those who liked some of them but I dont see the point of writing books that no longer feel like an art for me now 


Halp, sister is about to kill me, Welp
          Don't know if she actually is going to proceed.
          But the laugh is making me think so. 
          Save me. 


But could I please remind people, I am still in school. I do have a education and being in yr 10/11 has taken over my schedule. But I will try to update everyday for 3 months on troubled heart (Draco x reader) because I do feel guilty and dealt with a serious matter, involving the police not against me but did make me lose passion for writing for quite a while. I've been trying to get my mind into a more positive state of mind, and after a while I have decided to use some rage and sadness into writing now. I do hope you don't blame me for focusing on health for nearly a year now, but once I am in it it is very hard to get out and basically pull myself together. 
          Love you, so sorry for not being active recently
          :( ❤️


Hi guys, sorry i haven't uploaded in while. I just haven't been feeling well lately or ever tbh and have been getting worse. Just letting you know a new chapter on troubled heart Draco x Reader is up. Hope you enjoy those who read it :)