
@krazzikid655 thank ya <3


Oh forgot to add, keep up the good work as well, I like your stories also tho it's annoying how many ppl keep posting vampire stories (I like any genre of book but I'm getting a little bit to sick of vampires, sorry! not tryin to be rude) but yehh haha have a good day -<3 Cookie


aww thanks for the comment and passing my story around haha :) thanks for the fan and I'm soo happy that you liked my stories that much. Btw, I get a lott of my inspiration from songs and my friends like soo much like toats haha but ther ya go and any questions/suggestions feel free to pm thanks for you time -Cookie <3


Your right her stories really are amazing :) :) I really luv your story high school drama and wher'd ya go but I feel bad nobody commented, sorry!! Well, hope that somebody does soon ^_^ pm if u wanna talk im bord lol