
Okay I have a huge announcement. I shall update and start new stories still I finally got the rights to this account!!! Please be patient since I have a LOT of doctors appointments for not only my abdominal surgery I got to remove my appendix but to see if I need a sleep study and surgery on my brain. Im going to update when I am not working on school or playing Pokemon Go. If you wanna play Pokemon Go with me send me your Trainer Code!!!
          	P.S. I will update more. Promise.


Okay I have a huge announcement. I shall update and start new stories still I finally got the rights to this account!!! Please be patient since I have a LOT of doctors appointments for not only my abdominal surgery I got to remove my appendix but to see if I need a sleep study and surgery on my brain. Im going to update when I am not working on school or playing Pokemon Go. If you wanna play Pokemon Go with me send me your Trainer Code!!!
          P.S. I will update more. Promise.


It takes so long to edit even a short one-shot. I need an editor.
          Is there anyone available???


@IidaTenyaLover Yep, but I wouldn't know how to work it out to where you can edit it...


@LovinoFernadez I'm down to do that if u still need :)


@IidaTenyaLover  I was meaning just spelling not even grammar check.  It's fine, I'm late to everything as well.