(RANT. You don’t have to read. The random letters are initials.)
I genuinely think it’d be best if i moved back to my old school. My mom always say that she’d do anything to make me happy, this would make me over the moon. I’d rather have nice teachers and mean students. I’ve since learned that their words mean nothing to me, but Teachers words do. She said that i came home crying two weeks in a row, but truly it was only once because i didn't know how to ignore what they said. J means a lot to me, and even though it's at recess we see each other, which is only 40 minutes. I have some of my best memories with her during recess. This small thing will make me so happy. If my mom worried about K, L, B, and M. (and L’s sister and her friends.) I know how to stand up for myself, and I know how to ignore what they say and what they do. I may not have my sister there to protect me anymore, but i have J. She’s always there for me no matter the situation. She is the most supportive, funny, amazing, kind, sweet, and caring friend I could ever ask for. Who cares about those mean kids in my class when I have someone as amazing as J? I have learned my lesson about engaging with K and B, but I know what people to surround myself with. I know you might be worried, but I have learned so many lessons since then, and I am really unhappy at my new school. The teachers are mean, and I hate most of them. At least at my old school has nice teachers and a great principal. Last year when I was in grade 5, I really wanted to try out to be Student Council, at least at my old school, I got to try and see how the process of the election worked, and I would be completely fine with not winning. When I moved, I wasn’t even able to try out, because my new school had a Student Council last year, and they apparently didn’t do anything. :(