
K, so Im not dead, My computer is just blocking wattpad  ( Im currently typing this on a friends computer ) ( thnx Starwolf09 ) Uh... yea cant be on wattpad now sry ;(


Now, I have a game for you to play. Once you get this, you have to send this to 10 people. If you do so, your next five days will be like this❤:
          Day 1: Your crush/Boyfriend/girlfriend will hang out with you.
          Day 2: You will find $20 on the ground.
          Day 3: You will Do nothing wrong
          Day 4: You will get something new
          Day 5: You will earn a new friend(or more)
          Remember, 10 in 12 hours. If you don't repeat this to 10 people in 12 hours, your 5 days will be the opposite:
          Day 1: Your crush will hate you forever.
          Day 2: You will lose $10.
          Day 3: You will do everything wrong
          Day 5: You will lose a friend


            \\ Λ_Λ  This is Memecat. Help
             \( 'ㅅ' )   memecat take over
                  ⌒ヽ   wattpad by putting 
             /   へ  \    him in your 
             /  / \\    description or he 
             レ ノ   ヽつ will never be a 
            / /                           meme
            / /| 
           ( (ヽ 
           | |、\ 
           | 丿 \ ⌒) 
           | |  ) /
          ⊂ヽ   ⊂ヽ