@anononym I disrespect you immediately because you used quotation marks which would imply that someone else said this and you are just quoting them.
I don't think she has ever mentioned going to the doctors to get diagnosed but at the same time she never said she hasn't been. You are basing a hateful message on a hunch hey, look who's so grown up, she might be able to go to the toilet by herself now.
Attention seeking? If she was attention seeking she'd be saying "Oh my god guys I have dis disorder guys I'm making it a big deal obviously!" While at the most she's telling her audience about it because it relates to the subject.
By the way when someone is diagnosed with one disorder they more than likely have five to several smaller ones that aren't as present.
Stop judging people by the little you know about them hey.
Because now from this I can call you a hateful piece of bitch that has to post hateful messages on others works to feel special.
Shave a good day.