
Hope everyone’s had a happy Egg Day! Gotta say, Easter is a weird holiday. Like, what does a bunny have yo do with jesus deciding after three days the whole ‘being dead thing’ is super boring and yeeting himself back up into the sky? Why is Ham the Easter thing? Why do people get presents on Easter? Us it not just candy from your parents & grandparents, maybe flowers, idk? Im not religious, so maybe thats why the holiday is weird to me, since there isn’t all too much to it. Idk, but anyway, what do you guys do for Easter? 


Hope everyone’s had a happy Egg Day! Gotta say, Easter is a weird holiday. Like, what does a bunny have yo do with jesus deciding after three days the whole ‘being dead thing’ is super boring and yeeting himself back up into the sky? Why is Ham the Easter thing? Why do people get presents on Easter? Us it not just candy from your parents & grandparents, maybe flowers, idk? Im not religious, so maybe thats why the holiday is weird to me, since there isn’t all too much to it. Idk, but anyway, what do you guys do for Easter? 


On a whim, I’ve decided to remaster one of my original books from 2015, Lady Thor, the Minecraft diaries x Super Minecraft heroes/daily crossover book. I do plan to complete it this time around, having revised the original story in a cohesive manner. I don’t remember all too much about either series when things happened in particular since I watched these roughly seven years ago, but I want to revive and complete the original book to the way I initially imagined it. All the old chapters will remain, but if it’s tagged (remastered) that is a new 2020’s chapter that is the revival of the story. I hope to update weekly, since it’s not a difficult story to write, it’s a fun little thing to do. 


So my initial plan backfired and now I’m just kinda sitting here, stuck. I made an art commission website for people to purchase art I’ll draw for them from me and we’d have open communication, I had everything listed in bold letters on my site and how to request art from me, all the links to contact and such- and it’s been a month with no requests. I really thought I’d get money for the upcoming semester from it, since I can’t even work at the annual statewide fair this year since my mother won’t let me, there stupid reasons behind it that’s not important. I am stuck, I don’t know how to get people to go to the site and talk to me so I can make art for them ._. So many people wanted to buy art from me, so I made a website to do it, but i turned right back around and the crowd of people where gone, they evaporated into thin air, and I’m sitting here having exhausted all the options I knew I had. My videos on social media flopped, one of my friends scolded me and told me I was doing everything wrong (which he was trying to instead make me set up my website as if I sold physical items, like prints and not request commission), and nobody has visited in weeks. It sucks man, what do I do now? 


It’s been a year since this app really died for me. I don’t know who’s still here, or when anyone is even online anymore. I feel like I’m beating a dead horse when complaining about the newsfeed and activity tabs. The constant ads, glitching, what happened in the span of 2015 til now? I wanna go back to that time and revel in that enjoyment. I miss the role plays and stories we made here, it’s gone now. Nobody actually wants to move over to discord, why did I think that would be a functional idea? Maybe I was hoping to save the fleeting community here… I can’t meet anyone new here anymore. You all have either left or cling onto what you once had, rejecting the proposal I offered. It’s fine, I understand, people grow up, get tired and leave, or move on and forget those who they used to talk to. I had a good 6 and a half year run on this app. Maybe I just want someone to be interested again. Wanna talk to me.. finals drained me, I stayed up all night two weeks ago just to finish an art piece due the next day. All my final projects and one test.. I wanted to reward myself for the work I accomplished by transferring a bunch of my characters over, updating whatever I needed and role playing on discord, I set up a whole server when I never did before! Maybe I’m just tired… maybe I’m the one clinging onto the past of this app too. Either way, I’ll see you guys around 


@Lps_and_Link I completely relate to missing the days that me and my friends used to roleplay on here. I miss creating drama for our ocs and writing bad fanfictions (like, they were bad, but atleast my old self was actually motivated to do creative writing)


@Lps_and_Link truth, although we still collect the older ones A lot


@LPSReaperWolf I was referring to role playing but man don’t make me go on a rant about how much I hate hasbro for what they’ve done to Lps- I do still very much so love them, it feels like nobody else I know has ever owned them though sadly. 


Important, pls read! Alright, here’s the deal. Wattpad is dead. If you wanna keep roleplayong with Shyla and I, I’m gunna make a discord server and we can figure out how we’re gunna make things work moving forward. Anyone who wants to keep roleplaying, please send your discord user and # numbers in my dm’s, I’ll friend and add you to the server I need to create in a few minutes. I’ve been role playing on discord for years now, so I know how things work, it’s just transitioning everyone from here to there. We’ll be in one big server at first since dm groups are small, and then we can split into other people’s servers, or have muted it private channels for things. Please, read this message


Since the newsfeed and activity tab where removed, so I need to harass you all through my announcements and wait a billion years to see if anyone is online? 


@Moonlit_Clover idk either they broke the app


@Lps_and_Link Imma be honest I don't know what's going on or where I am 


Since the removal of the newsfeed, I am now unable to determine if anyone is online anymore or not. I have no clue if anyone is around or what, so... yeah. First they took away the activity tab on a person’s profile, which I’m still upset over because I used that to pinpoint when someone was online, and sometimes I’d scroll back through it to reach old messages I made long ago. Now the newsfeed is gone, which has made it so I don’t know if anyone is online period. 


I have been slowly working on the my hero academia Rp book, finishing my PCs and thinking about what I should do, then gunna deal with avengers, but that’s on the back burner at the moment. Instead, I’m busy dealing with my mother going insane from being in quarantine for six months.
          I have a doctors appointment next week and she’s become an antivaxxer pharmaceutical rep, doing a 180 and becoming an avid trump supporter, believing in socialism conspiracy theories and that the corona os a complete hoax. I do believe It was made bigger than it actually was, and it’s a political matter, but that’s not important. I don’t wanna take the flu shot, but my state is trying to make it mandatory going into 2021 and we must get it before then if we wanna continue in school. I  obviously don’t want it since it’s useless in my opinion, but I wanna continue to go to my trade school. If I don’t get it, I could be transferred back to the regular high school and loose all I’ve done at the vocational school. I have bigger things to worry about that her antivaxxer bs, she’s trying to make a fight about this, but all that matters to me right now is getting my car registered, going to drivers ed, getting my senior photos done in the next few weeks, figuring out what college I’m going to, getting my capstone project done, ensuring my senior year isn’t messed up more that it already is in my state that refuses to get out of lockdown, and not have to wear a damn mask to school every other week went I go in the building. I don’t need her crazy. 


I should probably respond to things but I just haven’t had the effort and then school scene or year finally started. I need to rework my avengers guys s bit probably, but I’m just lazy... I wanna do a my hero academia Rp, but at the same time I know nobody would be interested. I have a seven deadly sins but I have no idea what to do for even that why my hero I have ideas for... idk...


@Lps_and_Link BET!! You already know!! 