I have been slowly working on the my hero academia Rp book, finishing my PCs and thinking about what I should do, then gunna deal with avengers, but that’s on the back burner at the moment. Instead, I’m busy dealing with my mother going insane from being in quarantine for six months.
I have a doctors appointment next week and she’s become an antivaxxer pharmaceutical rep, doing a 180 and becoming an avid trump supporter, believing in socialism conspiracy theories and that the corona os a complete hoax. I do believe It was made bigger than it actually was, and it’s a political matter, but that’s not important. I don’t wanna take the flu shot, but my state is trying to make it mandatory going into 2021 and we must get it before then if we wanna continue in school. I obviously don’t want it since it’s useless in my opinion, but I wanna continue to go to my trade school. If I don’t get it, I could be transferred back to the regular high school and loose all I’ve done at the vocational school. I have bigger things to worry about that her antivaxxer bs, she’s trying to make a fight about this, but all that matters to me right now is getting my car registered, going to drivers ed, getting my senior photos done in the next few weeks, figuring out what college I’m going to, getting my capstone project done, ensuring my senior year isn’t messed up more that it already is in my state that refuses to get out of lockdown, and not have to wear a damn mask to school every other week went I go in the building. I don’t need her crazy.