
Lagi mencari ff yg jiminnya disiksa jk, adakah?


@ Lrcy_J  semua ff kk angel dh aku baca...


@ Lrcy_J  C H A I N E D


Hai numpang promosi yah, ini aku bawain cerita VMIN yang cukup menarik. 
          Mari mampir aku akan sangat menghargai apabila kalian berkenan singgah dan memberi dukungan ke cerita ku. Terima kasih (◍•ᴗ•◍)


Hiii! So um I don't know if you'll be able to read this but uh.. hi I'm Chanmich23 and I'm just here to tell you that you're a great person, please know that. You may think that no one loves you, cares for you, but I'm here. Although we haven't met yet, but I love you and I care for you. Please value yourself like how you value others. Learn how to love yourself first before you start loving someone. 
          Always remember that there are seven billions of people living here on Earth, but there's only one you. シ︎ — from author @Chanmich23. 
          I hope I did at least lessen your problems and difficulties, or at least made you smile even for a bit!  ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ 
          This is the least I can do to repay you guys for the kindness you've shown to me and my stories, Channies. We may walk on a rocky path, but I do not plan on abandoning any of you guys on the way. We will always walk hand in hand. ☯︎



Hai haiii aku mau ngasih rekomen cerita baruku. This is Zombieland versiku sendiri. Castnya cuma empat pemain utama: Jimin, Jungkook, Inyeop (Seojun), Eunwoo. And aku jamin ini seru. Semoga kamu merasakan deg-degannya dan aksi gokielnya mereka menumpas para zombie di taman bermain "ZOMBIELAND". Saat wabah berbahaya menyebar di Korea dan mengubah orang-orang menjadi zombie. Kapan2 mampir. Semoga kamu suka petualangan mereka di sini