
So... I am going to leave My Brother's Mate on hold, but I went through and edited and made small changes here and there but not enough to change the story. I MAY post another chapter but I'm really not sure. I would love to but I need to get into the mindset for this story first. Fingers crossed. No promises. Don't get your hopes too high because I haven't been writing on this. I'm sorry for the hell any of you may have gone through because of this hold. I know how hard it is when you find a story and start getting into it then the author just abandons it.


So... I am going to leave My Brother's Mate on hold, but I went through and edited and made small changes here and there but not enough to change the story. I MAY post another chapter but I'm really not sure. I would love to but I need to get into the mindset for this story first. Fingers crossed. No promises. Don't get your hopes too high because I haven't been writing on this. I'm sorry for the hell any of you may have gone through because of this hold. I know how hard it is when you find a story and start getting into it then the author just abandons it.


I'm sorry everyone, but I honestly don't think MBM will be updated anytime soon. As of now it is on a major hold and if I do end up updating it again, it will be because I have found both the time and inspiration (major emphasis on the latter) to continue and I will have finnished the story and be posting the rest periodically. Honestly, you shouldn't expect it anytime soon. I am truly sorry to everyone that enjoys it and especially those that have been here since the beginning. I think of this story quite often and how I am stringing people along the way I am doing this and have decided that it is time to stop.
          Best Reading, L.


Hey all! So, I am officially the worst person at keeping my word. January, pffft! I am going back and fixing the mistakes I see and tweaking a few things from the very small amount of chapters that I have written so far. I had a stroke of genius about an hour ago and just need to figure out how to work it into my non-existent plot line!  I'm working on this AT THIS MOMENT!!!


Hey I just got on wattpad for the first time in probably more than 6 months. I just wanted to say thank you and I'm SO FREAKING SORRY to everyone that has stuck with me or blown up my inbox asking me to update. I honestly feel terrible and have no idea When I'll be able to update next but i will try. Just please don't get your hopes up because honestly, chances are, it'll be sometime in 2015. Again, I'm so sorry and so grateful for all of you!


So I'm really sorry about being MIA guys...I've just been busy and then I would forget... so no more excuses! (hopefully!!) I'm re-reading chapter 5 and gonna go back and continue chapter 6. But I didn't really think that anyone would really enjoy my book (My Brother's Mate), so I didn't really plan it out. At all... Soooo, if you would like some updates, could you please give me some ideas? And even if I don't use them, they may give me ideas. So please help and cross your fingers for a quick update!