@Ls_Icecream70o07 well I can be a little harsh. Tell me if you want to go that way.
Till then I'll give you the general review. So, the premise is a little common but a little unique too, first of all the story starts with the pov of y/n and not from Kiyo's, which in itself is different for female reader type of stories maybe, I don't read the female readers, male readers or oc type of stories so you'll have to forgive me for not knowing how these stories go, but yeah it was unique for me.
And also, this isn't a slowburn romance that you implied in your first a/n.... It feels rushed, especially knowing what kind of man Kiyo is. Ayanokoji wouldn't let anyone see past his facade that early. I can elaborate on it later.
Then your character reveals her motivations too early. I can go in detail but as I said, it'll be harsh. Also, the characters talk big most of the times, but what they do doesn't justify what they said, be it Kiyo or y/n, though it may be likely due to some lack of experience on your part, you haven't been in writing for long afterall.
I've more things to say and can even give review based on specific chapters, just need your confirmation.