Hi LtPringles I was wondering about what you thought of the suggestions I provided about 2 years ago regarding the crossover worlds. Back then I wasn’t sure if you had anymore crossovers planned for your story but now from what I read in the comments it seems there may be a few more crossovers coming much later in the story. I just thought I’d ask for your opinion on the suggestions I provided for the crossover worlds that came to mind back then.

@LtPringles Alright that’s understandable. I just thought I’d provide those suggestions since it would seem interesting how things would turn out and as for the worlds that would experience a zombie apocalypse they would at least have hope for the apocalypse to end and have a better future via an intervention from the United Terran Federation.

@Explor0 No they were cool and all, just. Tbh I have been drifting away a bit from ADTF since...life. I guess. Don't get me wrong, I am still interested in seeing the story through, but it's just that I have little experience actually writing properly. I started writing ADTF back in 2021, when I was just 14 and was lying about how older I was lmao. And now, while I am considering putting it on hiatus, and coming back to this in a few months, maybe a year idk, I must unfortunately inform you that I've been unable to spare much thought on your suggestions.