Hey guys!
Hope y'all are well!
So, I've edited some stuff. Like the aesthetic is a new part.
Then, I've improvised the cast's description. It was really awful before. Oh my! I was horrified while reading it. :(
So I changed it immediately. It's better now I guess.
And the playlist is the same. Idk it rocks in my head :)
I'm thinking of changing the whole book into third person. I'm better at it. I'll keep some POV chaps maybe. The perspective will remain same though. Like 1 chap for Agate & the next for Nate.
So, that's all for now. If you've anything to say or of you feel like putting some input or any suggestion, you're free to pm me whenever. Or you can comment too.
So, adios for now!
Stay safe and love you and thanks a lot for your patience!