New chapter out! Yall have no idea how many times I've rewritten this thing ;-;
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New chapter out! Yall have no idea how many times I've rewritten this thing ;-;
New chapter out! Yall have no idea how many times I've rewritten this thing ;-;
Ugh just been watching TFP lately, and it just gives me so many ideas for AUs with Ashley. Like- Transformers Prime AU, AU where Ironhide lives but Ratch dies in AoE, AU where both are alive. The possibilities are endlessssssss!!!!!!
Important announcement guys I have been giving this a lot of thought, practically since I finished the story of AoE. I read back to the beginning and really noticed the extreme change in quality from Chapter 1 up until the last one. I have decided to rewrite Age of Extinction Bluebeam I started writing that when I was pretty young and finished it when I was about 17 years of age. In my opinion, there is definitely a change in quality for the better when I became older, and so I think the last few Chapters are considerably better than pretty much the rest of the book. What does this mean? First and foremost, I do want to finish Bluebeam: The Last Knight before committing to rewriting AoE Bluebeam. So for now AoEB will stay up so you guys can still read and re-read it to your heart's content. I will keep the plot more or less the same (Ratchet will still be alive, Ironhide will remain dead, for example) with only a few modifications here and there, as well as an upgraded writing style and overall better writing. With this rewrite, I also want to reach out to you, the readers, and ask what you liked about the story, what you think I should change, and what you would like me to remove from the story altogether. I guarantee I will listen to feedback and apply the changes provided by you guys if I think they will actually improve the story. Thanks again for the support guys! Have a wonderful night/day
@LuNavas2103 this is great news. I think you should have your first AOE up and then put the second(rewrite) up so people can see how far you’ve progressed. I’m sure your going to do excellent.
SO… Moving fucking SUCKS I am so sorry I haven’t gotten the next Chapter out for Book 5, you guys have no idea how much I have written and then rewritten it. My writing style has changed since the last time I posted and I have really noticed the change in quality from Book 4 to Book 5. As always, I wanna give you guys the best, and it looks like they took the movie out of Netflix, so I am looking for a way to access the movie now. Hopefully the next Chapter will be out soon, at least before the end of the year. I plan on working on it in about an hour again, but no promises. I also wanted to update on my life. I’m on Uni now, and lately it’s kinda been kicking my butt, so that has also kept me busy. Not only that, but I’ve been tirelessly been looking for any job opportunities with no success since February. Anyway, stay safe everyone, hope you have a wonderful day/night
@LuNavas2103 not to mention a pack of Dinobots on top of that. I didn’t mind all that much other than it took away from my favorite group, the Dinobots, but not everyone is me so it’s fine. I’m gonna re read book 4 to catch myself up. Have a good time/night/day
@DinoDaniel2019 Thanks for understanding. Right now I'm re-reading what I had on Book 5 as well as some of the end of Book 4 to see what characters still need to be brought back (like Arya and Rory) or an explanation for their absence. I might edit some of Book 5 altogether because I feel I might have overdone the characters. Idk why 16-17 year old me thought it was a good idea to slam in a Raptor squad when I already had the two alien animals lol
@LuNavas2103 we understand. Life gets in the way. Good luck on the job, I’m sure you’ll be able to score one soon. Just have some professional clothing, speak well, and make sure you highlight yourself, my healthcare teachers says that helps a lot. Searching up the movie transcript does work as a good substitute to the movie and we appreciate the update for quality. Take your time though, we can wait some more.
Hello I like Transformers and I got some ideas and inspiration for new stories, I got other ideas as well so I hope you will take a look at my book when you get a chance.
Your transformer stories are soo good!
Sorry but there are only two Bluebeam Saga books 4 and 5
Ye I know, I wanna work on the previous films, especially Dark of the Moon, but only once I have Book 5 completed, which will take a while
Hello people, apologies for the long silence, but it's been a bit of a rough few months for me, sorry for the unnannounced semi-hiatus. I'm still trying to write the next chapter of Book 5 of the Bluebeam Saga, and I will take into consideration your requests on the previous post, but some Autobots won't be back, such as Iron Hide, because that would kinda of ruin the character development of the protagonist, Ashley. Nonetheless, that doesn't mean that others might not make an appearance. Trying really hard to write the next chapter, but I won't and can't promise that it'll be tomorrow or this week, as I'm also working on personal stories and alternate depending on the inspiration. I also ask to please don't rush me as I do this for fun in my free time, and if I get private messages asking constantly when the next chapter will be out, it's not only annoying but also un-motivates me from writing. I'm a person, and I have a life outside of Wattpad, I just ask you to respect that <3 Have a good day/night everyone!
@LuNavas2103 It's quite alright my friend! Please take your time as long as you need! I already have been beating myself for bothering you with the updates while you were having rough months and everything and I'm so sorry! Anyways! As I said before - take your time as long as you need and i hope you will have a great day! Good luck my friend!
@LuNavas2103 Thank you for considering our input and continuing the book. I know it takes a lot of effort.
Hello people! The Bluebeam Saga is back!!!! I’m very excited for this last chapter of Bluebeam’s journey so far and I’m looking forward to share it with everyone who loved Age of Extinction BlueBeam! Now, I know that The Last Knight isn’t everybody’s favorite, but I want to at least improve the narrative slightly with my fanfic. So, in order to achieve this, are there any plot holes or really anything that you would NOT like to see in the fanfic in specific? Or something that you would like to be fixed from the original movie? Yes I’m the writer and it should be up to me, but I want to hear everyone’s input!
@LuNavas2103 More Dinobot action. Grimlock, Scorn, Strafe, Slug, Snarl, Slash, and Slog. Please.
@LuNavas2103 I really want some Autobots to be back online My most favourite Autobots: (1) Sideswipe and Sunstreaker (I know Sunny never been in the movie and i just thought why not?) (2) Jazz (3) Dino/Mirage (4) Dirft (4th movie ver. with helicopter alt-mode) And i want Ironhide and Ratchet back from dead...! Even they not really my favourite but i still love them...
Hello there, long time no talk! I know I don't have many followers but to those who are following my Transformers Bluebeam saga, I'll be posting the first chapter between November and December, so keep an eye out for that! Second, I wanted to ask if anyone would be interested in reading something aside from Transformers? I'm working on a few things myself but wanted to see what you'd be interested on seeing in the future. Have a nice weekend!
@LuNavas2103 That's really good to know that you will post the next first chapter of Transformers Bluebeam Saga! I will be waiting!!!
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