How long has 1t b33n… 1 can not t3ll,
Trapp3d 1ns1d3 my m1nd, a n3v3r-3nd1ng c3ll.
A loop 1n wh1ch 1 hav3 b33n 1n for som3 t1m3 unknown,
My body phys1cally r3plac3d m3 w1th a sp1r1tual clon3.
1 don’t want to b3 h3r3, just 1n a loop,
So 1 stay away 1n th3 dark t1ll my 3y3s start to droop.
Th3 n1ghtmar3s w1ll com3 for m3, 1 can only wa1t,
As 1 watch through a scr33n as my clon3 d3monstrat3s.
How to ru1n 3v3ryth1ng wh1l3 pos1ng as m3,
1 f1nally r3al1s3, 1 w1ll n3v3r br3ak fr33.
Th3 dark, 1 prom1s3 1t's truly n3v3r 3nd1ng.
My w1th3r3d h3art n3v3r fully m3nd1ng.
1 w1sh for that 3v3rsw33t r3l3as3 from th3 pr1son 1n my H3ad,
But 1 know that 1f 1 l3av3 1t may tak3 ov3r m3 1nst3ad.
So 1 wa1t, and cry, trapp3d w1th1n my m1nd,
Wa1t1ng... cry1ng… for3v3r conf1n3d.
Th3 only th1ng 1 hav3 l3ft to do,
1s b3 stuck and wr1t3 th1s m3ssag3 for you.
My m1nd 1s a hol3, and 1’m stuck 1n 1t,
Try1ng to br3ak fr33 1n th1s n3v3r 3nd1ng p1t.
1t’s dark and 1t's cold, Th3r3's noth1ng pr3v3nt1ng,
M3 from s331ng th1s look on 1ts fac3, not r3s3nt1ng.
Do you s33 th3 probl3m?
Th3 copy’s so sol3mn.
A clon3, a dupl1cat3, a fak3.
And 1 know for c3rta1n th3 c3ll won’t br3ak.
Ayudam3 Por favor.