
Hola my friends. I am in Mexico this week and thus not writing for a bit. Hope you all have a good week. God bless.


Well, I'm all settles in my new dorm. Just moved out of our old house so not all my stuff is with me at the moment. Hoping that the year starts well. Having fun getting to know my hall mates and gather in the morning for chapel. I'll try and keep you posted on future events but for now, getting ready for the first semester. Love you all. God bless.


Hello everyone. Thanks for the support throughout this year. I am writing this to let you all know that I need to take a break and focus on my relationship with God and my family. Please understand that I need to step away from writing stories for a while and focus on the year ahead. Feel free to contact me in a private chat whenever. I may or may not answer right away, but will try to reach out as soon as I can. I hope you all have a wonderful year and hope to hear from you soon.
          God bless. 


I don't know how many hours of driving we've done in the past 2 weeks, but I am EXHAUSTED! 10 hours today on our way back from Ohio.  will be home soon though. Then its off to college.


Well glad your almost home my friend 


Hi! ✨
          Can I have a request?
          Please?? ✨✨✨


            You can put background of where she came from and her parents too.


hello to everyone who has read my stories. Thank you for the support and likes on my stories. I just wanted to let you know that I have had a hard summer which is why I did not write. My mother had cancer and passed away due to that cancer. I would like to share information about my mother's conditions to you so that you can know what to look out for. 
          Swollen toungue and legs, bowel disorder, heavy breathing, numbness in hands and feet, unintentional weight loss, skin changes such as bruising and thickening, irregular heart beat and difficulty swallowing. We all care about your health along with the rest of the world. Please pass the word along and watch for signs and symptoms.