
Dear Readers of PE&TSGL: Again, I'm sorry for not updating in forever, I'm just going through a lot with family issues. Just as it seems everything is ok, thats only when it gets worse. I started writing to calm my nerves down and help me relax, but dealing with my family bulls*** has me so stressed I don't even want to write. Sometimes I wish I could just end it all and finally leave this place because I'm obviously not happy here. I've thought about that alot this past week, and if it wasn't for my internet friends and my readers and followers on here, (who btw I don't even know) I would have done it. It saddens me to say that I can't look to my family for help because they are the reason I'm so messed up in the first place. Strangers have become my family and friends, You keep me grounded and sane. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for staying with me and the story this long. I'm moving again in like a week. Again. -__- so it will be a while til I update. Sorry again. :) I love you all. :') <3 - The author of PE&TSGL, Lu.
          	Stay strong and don't lose hope because when things seem darker, that's when the light shines brightest.


Dear Readers of PE&TSGL: Again, I'm sorry for not updating in forever, I'm just going through a lot with family issues. Just as it seems everything is ok, thats only when it gets worse. I started writing to calm my nerves down and help me relax, but dealing with my family bulls*** has me so stressed I don't even want to write. Sometimes I wish I could just end it all and finally leave this place because I'm obviously not happy here. I've thought about that alot this past week, and if it wasn't for my internet friends and my readers and followers on here, (who btw I don't even know) I would have done it. It saddens me to say that I can't look to my family for help because they are the reason I'm so messed up in the first place. Strangers have become my family and friends, You keep me grounded and sane. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for staying with me and the story this long. I'm moving again in like a week. Again. -__- so it will be a while til I update. Sorry again. :) I love you all. :') <3 - The author of PE&TSGL, Lu.
          Stay strong and don't lose hope because when things seem darker, that's when the light shines brightest.


i will try to update asap (hopefully today if my family doesn't bother me) there are some things i have to work through with family and moving and stuff so please Everyone be patient. i promise to not disappoint this story will prolly have a lot of twists and turns so bare with me. xD Chapter 8 will be my longest chapter yet. :) *so far* PLEASE STAY TUNED!! UPDATES WILL BE SLOW BUT IT WILL BE WORTH IT. XD


@R5tilldeath Thanks. :) i will try to update asap there are some things i have to work through with family and moving and stuff so please Everyone be patient. i promise to not disappoint this story will prolly have a lot of twists and turns so bare with me. xD Chapter 8 will be my longest chapter yet. :) *so far* STAY TUNED