
Sucks how some people fans you and un-fan you later on. 
          	Please don't bother fanning me if you'll eventually un-fan me later on.
          	That's just so mean. :(


          Hey! Ugh, I swear my craving for spaghetti bolognese sky rocketed while I was reading your book/novella yesterday. xD
          Anyway, I saw your book under 'Stories you may enjoy', the list you see when you click home.  :D And like I said, I'm really glad that I saw it there, else I would've missed a really good read. :)


so I come home from school and I see all these wotes and comments and a new fan... and i'm thinking [=O =O =O =O =O =O] TTHHHAAANKKK YYYOOOOUUUU!!!!!! thank you soooo much!!!!!! you're the best!!!!!!!
          oh and can i ask, how did you find my story? cos I don't think it's on any lists or anything.... 
          thank you again!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D =D