
Exam results are out. 


Hey, thanks for adding 'the best arrangement: between us'  to your reading list! I hope it's to your liking ❤


@LucialLabrinith Yeah, even I wanted to read more of them, but they're so few here! But there are some really nice ones here, which I've read.


Today I fell doubly proud to be an Indian.  Every Indian be proud today as Viral Kohl has today completed his 72nd century and is now the 2nd top centuries player just after Sachin paaji (Tendulkar) also an Indian today the top two Indian players with most century are Indians.
           Also,  for ever Indian and especially Mumbaikar Ishan Kishan has today took the world by storm by becoming the fastest double century scorer in the least balls. 
          We hope the future of Cricket remains so bright forever,  but no matter what ups and downs we face we will always be with you ICT.