Admin is broken.
He is extremely mentally down and really needs to sort out some stuff...
You can text him on Vibe and Tango.
Simply Matthias.
Admin is broken.
He is extremely mentally down and really needs to sort out some stuff...
You can text him on Vibe and Tango.
Simply Matthias.
I'll take a rest from this stupid application...
I have enough to do in my world...
Please don't contact me.
I mean it serious.
Admin is at the moment in worse mental health and need time to stabilise himself again...
Otherwise it will end quickly.
Hm. Ich brauche jemanden der mich von der Zuckerwatte neben mir ablenkt.
Wer meldet sich freiwillig?
Sonst liegt neben mir gleich ne Leiche...und ich muss sie wegräumen. -.-
@ InnocentShipSmoothie Meinetwegen.
(. . . Ich beauche kein 2. 1P...der nervig ohne Ende ist....und der mich wachhält. NON STOP. (Wenn in der 1P Welt Tag ist, ist es hier Nacht)