
Just curious...
          	Have you ever had your hands covered in your own blood...?
          	I'm curious ts'all   
          	And Yeah I know I have only two followers sooooooooooo


Welcome back friend! Glad to see you again! 


Omg there’s absolutely no rush? Lol your sleep comes first! ASoG will always be there, but it’s likely better enjoyed when rested. Thank you for reading!


@sparklingjin I'm sorry I'm replying so late. I just finished reading A Sword of Glass!! Amazing as always!! I cant wait for the next update. Please take care of yourself tho... I gotta go to sleep now. I'll come back tomorrow if I can!


OH PLEASE. hahahaha honestly, I could never forget and who's to say I'll make it? But I hope I do. 
          You're so kind. Thank you for being such a big support system on your own. Literally there were days when your comments made me smile. I appreciate you so much.


Thank you! Please please please feel free to chat with me about anything! I’m still learning myself but I will do my best to help!


@sparklingjin I'm glad to be able to make u smile. Besides ik for a fact that you'll make it! The way you write and portray the characters feelings is amazing!! I might ask u for tips in the near future... But the way you plan and research, and the dedication you have is nearly incomparable!!


Hi There!
          I just wanted to tell you "Thank You".
          For following me, although some of my books before My Last Days are cringe please enjoy..
          I don't really care for votes, I do love comments more than anything.
          Congrats on becoming part of My fandom:
          My LIL Islanders
          I usually don't do follow for follow but I'll be your 2nd follower.
          Have a good day, afternoon or night