
I am back from that place many authors go to...I carry back a message of hope and recovery. May they find that spark to bring them back to writing too. Still, I wish more for their health both of body and mind


@LucifersDownfall ohh yes man i just finished reading your story and i was like, whaat? the author hasn't updated in 2 years? and i just wanted to say that i love your writing it's truly great


I am back from that place many authors go to...I carry back a message of hope and recovery. May they find that spark to bring them back to writing too. Still, I wish more for their health both of body and mind


@LucifersDownfall ohh yes man i just finished reading your story and i was like, whaat? the author hasn't updated in 2 years? and i just wanted to say that i love your writing it's truly great