
I'm gonna be putting the rest of CREEPYPASTA: TALES OF TERROR VOL.1 on hold for the whole while I work on THE GHOST KILLER because I don't want it to be where I go and work on one story and then switch over to the other story after publishing a chapter so once whenever I get THE GHOST KILLER published and complete, I'll get back to working on CREEPYPASTA: TALES OF TERROR VOL.1 so everyone be patient for the turn out for that matter. Okay? 


I'm gonna be putting the rest of CREEPYPASTA: TALES OF TERROR VOL.1 on hold for the whole while I work on THE GHOST KILLER because I don't want it to be where I go and work on one story and then switch over to the other story after publishing a chapter so once whenever I get THE GHOST KILLER published and complete, I'll get back to working on CREEPYPASTA: TALES OF TERROR VOL.1 so everyone be patient for the turn out for that matter. Okay? 


So I had gotten a weird comment on my reworked rewrite of THE GHOST KILLER from someone offering me tips to help the stories that I write perform better. Here's the thing, the stories that I wrote on here I don't write them for performance purposes that's not why I write horror on here, I don't care about performance I only write because I love horror and me writing these stories is my way of spreading my love for horror to other people, and seeing people enjoy what I create. That's all I care about because that's the only thing that matters to me, nothing else. I don't care about performance because that's not why I write these stories. I write these like I said because I care about the horror genre as a whole. I don't care about the performance of my stories or how many upvotes I get on them. The only thing I care about is the fact of people enjoy seeing what I make or not. That's it.


@Puppet198463 Not surprised if that's what it was. But he was labeled as a writer, I showed it to @CreepystoRie5 on his discord and he said that it's not nothing to worry about considering he gets messages like that all the time.


So in connections I have my plans to bring back Jeffrey Thorn in a way to not be expected now my idea is basically where it's gonna be two officers investigate a case that went cold and it involves a killer however now this killer has returned from hiding and has begun murdering people again and the officers has to find some way to end it all and put a stop to it to see if the recent victim he had killed and soon begin to think about how if there are any connections to the recent victim and the multiple in station interview reports. Now I know that some or alot of you are gonna say "Didn't Pastra already something like that with Jeff?" Yeah he did, and quite frankly with me messaging him we both mentioned the idea that we thought it would interesting that Jeff would be featured in a story where he's more of a antagonist and is treated like a serial killer Boogeyman lurking in the shadows evading police until he's caught and yes we both had the same idea for what we wanted to do with Jeff.


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So fucking Huggy Wuggy is revealed to be alive at the end of Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Safe Haven. And you know what? I'm not even gonna say shit about it because I know I was right. I was right the whole time and none of you listened. I have been saying since Chapter 1 A Tight Squeeze came out. There was no way in hell that Huggy had died from falling. And what don't you know it in Chapter 4 Safe Haven the end for that is that we go into a room we play a tape that sets off an alarm then Huggy Wuggy shows up with his injuries from the fall sowed up. I could say something but instead I'm not. I'm gonna let everyone go see the Chapter 4 gameplay and when they come to that ending I'm gonna make sure that this moment will fucking stew and marinate in the wrinkles of there brains. 


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You know as for I the one who wrote horror stories on here before, always found some stories to be ironic in concept and it never occures to you now until it hits you. One of the perfect examples of this being are popular Creepypasta characters and for one example is a story called SONIC.EXE for example. The story isn't popular because it's good or anything for that matter because trust me when I say this. It ain't. The story and character is popular not because of the story itself it's because of the game that's based on the story. And also let's add the further note here the story itself is so shit, it's so shit, it's the story that you take a look at not to be scared or to laugh at but because you take a look at it to be like "Okay so here's how not to write a Creepypasta." Because it is so poorly written that the story itself got taken off the wiki the author JCTheHyena has freakout over the criticism of the story being taken down. So in 2017 he tried to replace the 2011 story with a remake that tries to take inspiration from HP Lovecraft but he does it so boringly and badly that it took comes off as laughable and dumb. And best of all, the 2017 remake was rejected and torn apart by critics and fans of Creepypasta itself so it not only goes to show you that the story is bad both versions but also the author JCTheHyena himself can't write a good story because he's so bad at it that he's considered what you would call incompetent. So hopefully the rendition that's under by JoeDoughBoi will somehow make the character and will somehow manage to make the Sonic.Exe story seem more competent and better than what JC tried to do. 


            Dang speech to text


            I’ve listen to the creepy person, and I will admit it’s pretty bad. Just like Cupcakes and Red Mist


I am gonna make sure that A GRAVE HATRED will be the best and more better remakes of Jeffrey Woods of all time. One remake that I will create that no other versions of the Jeff Woods character to stand the rest of time. My version of Jeff Woods in this story remake will never be topped by anyone that has tried to do this character in years. This will put both the original 2011 and the 2015 K.Banning Kellum's remake of Jeff The Killer to shame.