So I had gotten a weird comment on my reworked rewrite of THE GHOST KILLER from someone offering me tips to help the stories that I write perform better. Here's the thing, the stories that I wrote on here I don't write them for performance purposes that's not why I write horror on here, I don't care about performance I only write because I love horror and me writing these stories is my way of spreading my love for horror to other people, and seeing people enjoy what I create. That's all I care about because that's the only thing that matters to me, nothing else. I don't care about performance because that's not why I write these stories. I write these like I said because I care about the horror genre as a whole. I don't care about the performance of my stories or how many upvotes I get on them. The only thing I care about is the fact of people enjoy seeing what I make or not. That's it.