
Everyone, I will not be working on the story for a while because I am mourning, my aunt Astali hung herself this morning, so please give me time to recover from this, I hope the rest of you have a nice Valentine's day


@LuciusSnape666 Take as long as you need


Hello whoever reads this. It's the owner of the account you are following. I never found my account loggin info so I've been hanging out on my other accounts such as the one I'm using to write this message. I shall be here if you would like to follow this account and request stories, only if you wish.
          Hope you all have a nice day/evening/night


Hey guys, it's the owner of this account. I lost the login info to this account after it was hacked so I have to use my school account. I'll post my new account once I get my own phone and write a better version of the Alastor x Lucifer book I was working on. I hope you all understand!


Attention followers of this user and user pls listen recently Wattpad has been hacked if you want information on what you can do pls go to my profile I have a link to see whether or not you're hacked as well as for instructions on how to protect your selves whether or not your hack.apearntly this all began in June with out anyone knowing till now.
          SPREAD THE WORD!!!!! 


Hello everyone, I just wanted to say sorry for not updating yet but I will work on it on the weekends, so from Friday morning to Sunday night at 8:30 will be when I work on the next chapter of the story starting next weekend but there might be a slight delay because I will be with my cousin for that weekend but I will try to work on it whenever I get the chance
           Bye fuckers 


Cool cool bud