A snippet :D
Tíven slammed a fist on the door to a classroom titled Combat Zone. As he continued pounding for 15 minutes, the air began to drop in temperature. ‘Why…w-why is it c-cold?’ “Damn it Ero!” He stuck two fingers into his mouth and whistled. The sound left his lips and blasted everywhere. “Ow, what’s the matter with you!” Ero pushed the door open with his ears covered. “We need to spread the word! Lantar’s targeted!” “….Targetted?….damn. Let’s hurry.” As the two ran for the exit, the air got heavier and ice started to slowly coat the walls.
Icicles began to line the walls and the teachers slowed down. “Ero…” the sound of air being cut began to close in from above. A loud crack echoed from the entrance of the gym and Ero sensed accumulating magic power. “Tíven, get down-!” “-ice Dragon ROAR!” A breath attack of ice and snow shot through the wall of the science lab and cut into the cafeteria. Tíven struggled to see through the debris but another blast of ice forced him to duck. Ero helped him up and the two raced past icicles; they lunged through the exit as the building collapsed behind them. The two rolled to face the clouded sky and coughed dust. “Some-o-one…att-tacked.” “B-but…w-who?” The dust settled and a gleaming set of armor stood in the middle of the ruins, eyeholes of the beast’s helmet glowing blue.