
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!! C:


Title - Your My Home
          Author - Faith Haun
          Genre - Werewolf and Romance
          Synopsis - Venus is taken when she was eight and was experimented on until she developed powers such as telekinesis and others. When she escapes she finds a castle who's king is her mate. This story is about how Venus learns to trust people again and how she grows to love her mate, Roman. But she also has to fight her captors who have come back to get her. (She is 19 now)
          1 thing I want you to include in the cover- you can design it however you want just make it have a black wolf on it because that is Roman's wolf.
          How to send me the cover - Send it to me by my very weird email


Title: The Young Ones With a Baby
          Author: JordanMauter
          3 things I want you to add:
          1. Can you try to make the girl look like a teen girl and a baby has to be in there. 
          2. Please make sure in the picture you can't tell what the gender of the baby is. 
          3. Try and have to baby be a infant and the girl have blonde, brownish hair
          Genre:  I guess it's  teen fiction.
          Important information: I not really any I told you everything :)
          How do you want it to be sent: over email can you message me for it? Ease


Title is :Dear Reader
          Author is:simonirenedavidida
          Genre:  romance, mystery, humor, werewolf, vampire, historical, adventure, mystery, action 
          Basically I'm trying to create a selection of good books for people to read. Just message it to me to my username or account I guess. If there is one word I could use for you  on how I picture my cover is elegant. Thanks if you could find the to make my cover