
My friend @Cl0R1da and I have collaborated on a story that is currently in the process of being written. It is placed in my 'collaborations' reading list and you can find it on Chloe's profile. Don't forget to check it out! All the love, Lucky ⭐️


So first off I apologise (again) for not being as active as I usually would be but I'm trying to get my act together. School has really been stressing me out lately. Anyway, I'm currently writing a new part for Love Struck which should be up in the next couple of days. I'm also working on a new novel that shall be revealed very soon . See you later! 


Hey everyone! If you haven't already noticed I've released a new novel! It's called 'Sisterhood'. You should go check it out. So there won't be another update in 'Love Struck' for a least a week while I get properly into 'Sisterhood'. Bye! 


Hey everyone, the seventh part of 'Love Struck' will be posted hopefully very soon. Also I've decided not to carry on with my story 'I'm Rosalind'. I'm not feeling the story line or characters. But I'll still keep it up for you to read if you want to, unfinished, with only one part. Sorry if any of you were reading it, doubt it, it sucked. Anyway good night all of you and see soon!