
The new book that I am writing with number1vegetarian is going to have really short chapters, but hopefully a lot of them.


Hey!! So... I was wondering if anyone knew what the star/like thing on your book did. I mean, I know it's good, but does it actually like... do anything? Anyway, If you guys star my chapters on my book, I will star back, as soon as I can!! Thx :)!


@Lucy2404  when you get stars you can move up # on lists, like hot, featured, or in catalogues, things like that. You may notice that when you scroll you mouse over one of your books it may have a #number. That tells you what place your book is in fiction, vampire, humor, any of those.


Hey guys! So, I haven't been on Wattpad in a while...... :( Mostly cause I AM writing a book, just not on wattpad. When I am done, I will upload it.... Just for y'all who wanna know, it's like 50 pages already! SO yeah, and BTW, it's from two POV's, one is written by me, the other by my friend.
          Thanks for being AWESOME. It would mean something to me if you starred my books!