
Hello everyone. I know I haven't updated my books in awhile but I just wanted to let all of you know, in my English class we just finished a poetry unit. If you go to https:/ you will find my poetry. When you click the link it will only bring you to the home page so you have to click the three lines in the top right hand corner and click on the poetry page. I only have 1 poem on there right now as well as a reflection I did about my poem and an analysis of another poem/song. I will be adding more on there soon. So please go check it out, I would like to hear some feedback on my poem(s).


Hello everyone. I know I haven't updated my books in awhile but I just wanted to let all of you know, in my English class we just finished a poetry unit. If you go to https:/ you will find my poetry. When you click the link it will only bring you to the home page so you have to click the three lines in the top right hand corner and click on the poetry page. I only have 1 poem on there right now as well as a reflection I did about my poem and an analysis of another poem/song. I will be adding more on there soon. So please go check it out, I would like to hear some feedback on my poem(s).


I know I do not update a lot but I will do my best to try updating sooner in order to do this I need a little support and help from all of my followers to help make this book great this is the first book of many that I plan on writing so I want to make this first one a good one.