
Had a parcel stolen from my door today, over £100 spent on it. I already know it's my new neighbor but I have no proof. I know it's him because he's been harassing me the last couple of day's. To any of y'all still living at home or are living on your own with great neighbors, make the most of it. I've unfortunately not had the best of luck with neighbors and it's times like these I wish I still lived at home. Today q mate of mine, left work just to come and pick me up and get me to my mum's, he didn't have to do that but I was too scared to open my own door without someone being on the other side I knew. I shouldn't be living like this. So anyway, this is one of the reasons I've been un-active on here and haven't been updating. I've been dealing with a lot so I hope y'all can forgive me, I am sorry, it's just been hell for me lately and I can only hope it here better, I have contacted my support worker in hope that she can help me. Because it's my right as a human to feel safe in my own home, but I currently don't and with my mental health issues, it's making them worse, my anxiety for example is through the roof. 


Had a parcel stolen from my door today, over £100 spent on it. I already know it's my new neighbor but I have no proof. I know it's him because he's been harassing me the last couple of day's. To any of y'all still living at home or are living on your own with great neighbors, make the most of it. I've unfortunately not had the best of luck with neighbors and it's times like these I wish I still lived at home. Today q mate of mine, left work just to come and pick me up and get me to my mum's, he didn't have to do that but I was too scared to open my own door without someone being on the other side I knew. I shouldn't be living like this. So anyway, this is one of the reasons I've been un-active on here and haven't been updating. I've been dealing with a lot so I hope y'all can forgive me, I am sorry, it's just been hell for me lately and I can only hope it here better, I have contacted my support worker in hope that she can help me. Because it's my right as a human to feel safe in my own home, but I currently don't and with my mental health issues, it's making them worse, my anxiety for example is through the roof. 


Wattpad has removed Saving Lila and I can't get it back. There was some error when it comes to checking off the maturity rating. I did select the right one but my laptop didn't do it. So they've removed the whole thing, it was the first book I ever made on Wattpad and it was complete. I'm so disappointed, I just wish I could get it back. It's not fair. It was rated pretty high too. 


So in approx 11 hours I will be attending the funeral for my friend, it is currently 1.30am and I am showing no sign of sleep.  I know I should be but I just can't, my mind won't turn off, I guess it feels alot more real right now, he's really gone. He's gone...


@LucyHughes910 I'm so sorry for your loss


@ViolaineFournier thank you I appreciate that


@Shelberto247 thank you I really appreciate that, very nice of you. I think it hurts more because he commit suicide, it was just so unexpected. I just hope his funeral is the send off he deserves


Y'all i had two ideas for a Cobra Kai book and i was so stuck on which one to go for but I've officially decided. I'm gonna link the two. 
          A bunch of different OC'S and storylines. So after ive done a couple more updates on 'Evers Little Princess' and 'My moon your star' i will start it. I'll try and stick to a timeline of updating too, maybe set a day of the week for each one.
          Hope y'all are doing good! Anyway, i am gonna log off here for now, watch Disney+ and have food.


Anyone else having problems with Wattpad today? Through browser and on the app?


@ViolaineFournier glad it wasn't just me then, kept trying to load comments , kept trying to search for fics and it just wouldn't work. It's up and down, one minute it's good, the next it's bad again. Really annoying 


@LucyHughes910  yes big time i was trying to answer error


What a day! Was supposed to call doctors and make an appointment but fell back asleep, had zero energy. Then when i woke up earlier, i woke up having a head tremor (most likely my epilepsy) fell straight back to sleep then when I woke up again, i wake up with a headache which usually happens after a seizure. Feeling like crap now 


We be getting Scammers on Wattpad now too! Seriously? They're everywhere!!


@LA_Crowe sorry to hear that but i completely understand. I was at a vulnerable time in my life on the times i was scammed. I look back now and the one I don't understand how i fell for it. I think it was a case of wanting it to be real so i believed it (they were pretending to be celebrities and it was my celeb crush) i definitely learned my lesson too, it's ashame though that we even have to learn such things because people get off on scamming others!


@LucyHughes910 I was scammed by one of the ff writers!!! To vest it all it went on for a year and I was just to blind to see it! She deleted her account and then after a while started another. It was a vulnerable time in my life. Broke my heart. I saw the red flags. If it was just money It would have been easier!! I learned my lesson. Lol. 


@Storys_idk exactly, same one im on about, i knew it was a scam straight away by the wording. I just blocked the profile as they kept commenting on different chapters of the same book. What's bad is there are plenty of people on here under 16 who will actually fall for it! Only reason i knew its a scam is because ive been so close to being scammed before and im 23! 