The end of an era.
I wanted to let you know that after a few weeks of pondering, I am officially no longer posting to this site. I have made the jump from Fanfic writer to Fiction writer, and am wanting to focus on my new novel. In saying that, I wanted to thank every one for their love and support here, it has truly meant so much. I feel extremely content within my writing abilities now and part of that is due to the support and encouragement from you all.
I wish you all the best, truly. Do what truly makes you happy, no matter how impossible it seems. Everything is possible.
If you are wanting to continue to read my writings, then you can join my blog - where I usually still post a weekly Life with Loki, or if you’re wanting to read my new, fiction, novel, then you can follow my new website and read ‘Between the Dark & the Light’ — which was inspired by ‘The Light, the Dark, & the Grey’.
Much love to you,
Lucy Laufeyson xxx