
Hey does anyone have any advice for my new story? I would be glad if you guys could tell how I can make it as good as possible. ☺


For anyone who was wondering about the new story, I will not be telling you what the words say throughout the chapters, but do highly encourage you to find a correct wingdings font translator because it will allow you to understand what I am writing, and it also gives adds some extra information to the story. Thanks everyone (sorry for that huge explanation but I thought it was important).


Either way, thank you for those who read this, and I would like you to give me your opinion on what I should do.


@Ludwig_Bellkeeper for example in love life , the characters are really interesting to me . They are unique and well done. Even in fields of sorrow , I have a favorite character from chapter 2 , Abigail and the story plot. I seriously got hooked in. Like I said and I will say it again , you are a great author. You should keep updating on the stories. They aren't bad or useless. They are really good.


@Ludwig_Bellkeeper first off your stories are definitely not bad. Your seriously are a good author ! The stories are really interesting! I personally was seriously hoping you would update on fields of sorrows . In my opinion, you shouldn't delete the stories. 


The reason why I would personally would delete both of them is because I personally see no use in either of the stories. I've basically stopped writing both of them, the stories aren't good, and I probably won't have much time to complete either of them (like I want to... I mean both of the stories suck and are completely useless)


Hello everyone. I know most of you don't even care even remember when I actually did things here on Wattpad.... But I would like to bring up a matter of importance with anyone who is willing to lend their time, ears, and opinion for me better cause. Either way, I was considering deleting both of my stories, which would include Love Life and Field of Sorrows. I know only one person who would not want this, but either way I was wondering if I should go through with it.