Been thinking about writing a Sanji for all you Sanji simps!
He's not a fave of mine but I know a lot of y'all love him xx so I'd like to write something spicy for you all.
Again thank you for all the reads, 500k WTF, that's such a dream for so many ppl to read/enjoy my crappy writing with horrible grammar xD thank you for all y'all who've stuck with me for such a long time. I see y'all and appreciate every single one of you! <3
I haven't watched any One Piece for quite a while so I guess I had lost some motivation to write fics about it, sorry T-T
I've been re-watching Teen Wolf recently, it's one of my favourite shows. So I've been a little tempted to make a book for teen wolf fics, if anyone would be interested in thatttttt, lemme know heheh
Thank you if you read this far or even see this post <3