
          	If any of y'all happen to be a fan of criminal minds, especially Spencer Reid, I started posting on AO3 (archive of our own) 
          	If you want to check out my first chapter :3 
          	My user is DrReidsWife and the fic is called You Saved Me 


          If any of y'all happen to be a fan of criminal minds, especially Spencer Reid, I started posting on AO3 (archive of our own) 
          If you want to check out my first chapter :3 
          My user is DrReidsWife and the fic is called You Saved Me 


Been thinking about writing a Sanji  for all you Sanji simps! 
          He's not a fave of mine but I know a lot of y'all love him xx so I'd like to write something spicy for you all. 
          Again thank you for all the reads, 500k WTF, that's such a dream for so many ppl to read/enjoy my crappy writing with horrible grammar xD thank you for all y'all who've stuck with me for such a long time. I see y'all and appreciate every single one of you! <3
          I haven't watched any One Piece for quite a while so I guess I had lost some motivation to write fics about it, sorry T-T
          I've been re-watching Teen Wolf recently, it's one of my favourite shows. So I've been a little tempted to make a book for teen wolf fics, if anyone would be interested in thatttttt, lemme know heheh
          Thank you if you read this far or even see this post <3


@LuffysWifey please i beg of you your majesty make it happen




@LuffysWifey sanji pleaseeeee!!


UHM HEY!!!  I’m sorry I’ve been gone my loves! I totally lost motivation to write. But holyyyyy over 180k reads I fricken love y’all  so I’m here to start writing a new fic. My brain is thinking of exhibitionist Luffy  


@LuffysWifey It’s okay! But can I tell u my Requests? If that’s okay with u? And yes I love JJK too! 
            And another thing! Are u going to write more books in the future like… MHA, KNY and JJK maybe? And are u going to write more Luffy x Listener in ur book? 
            But here’s my Requests! 
            Fem Luffy x Trans Listener 
            Luffy x hurt listener 


@Stella-125 yessss I love so many other anime!!! JJK is another i love a lot. Currently not writing any requests bc I can't be sure I'd remember to write/finish them since I take long long breaks from writing, and I don't want to let anyone down by agreeing to a request and then never getting to it. I'm sorry! 


@LuffysWifey Congrats on 200k reads! And I was going to ask? Do u like other anime? And I do have requests for u! 


HEYYYY YALL <3 I know you’re all waiting for the last part to the Zoro lemon! And I am slowly writing it! I’m sorry it’s taking so long but I’ll be sure it make it nice and long and not just a short chapter. Thank you all so so much for all the comments and love! It means so much! And thank you for being patient. I hope you’re all taking care of yourselves and staying safe <3 sending my love to you all


@LuffysWifey (late response sorry) its okay take your time and im sure ill love it like every story u make ❤


Hahahahaha you’re so sweettttt I’ll try my best to get the next chapter done as soon as I can!


@LuffysWifey Thank youuu  
            I swearrr I'm so happy that you'll finally update ❤. I have been waiting since I wasn't even born 


Oh honey let me tell you something, I've been enjoying your book. And it's so well written! I am just in love with your book. And one more thing i liked is how friendly you are with your readers... I just loved that the most. I saw your replies on other readers' comments too and it's just so friendly. And i was so freaking happy when you replied on my comments too! Please keep that behavior up! And also, i only read lemons yesterday cause ya know hehe :p  lmaoo sorry but now i am gonna read the whole boookkk. And i appreciate your efforts! Keep up the good work. Stay happy and healthy. Lots of love <3
          Fun fact : our usernames are kinda similar >.<


Omgggggg this means the world to me and makes me so incredibly happy thank youuuuu so so much <3!!! I try to reply to as many comments as I can bc it’s all of you who make me want to continue writing for! So thank youuuu for enjoying my work! And don’t worry I really only read lemons too >.< omg you’re rightttty they are similar!!!