
Hello, I have remade my account into LukeJace where I will be only publishing the Unexpected Miracles and Learning to Love (Yourself) once they're finished. 


          Firstly, I’m rewriting love is and trans twins to be together. I will keep the originals up however. Reason being is both stories can corelate and I feel like it’ll be better. The chapters will probably be set up like this: the twins are main focus for a chapter. Neil and Chris are main focus for a chapter. Andrew and Joseph are main focus for a chapter. And it’ll continue on like that. 
          Once UM ends, I will start publishing Single with Children and Growing Up, the sequels. I may start SWC first, as it takes place much earlier than GU obviously. I don’t know though. I may start SWC before UM starts. I haven’t gotten that fully planned out. Anyways, while writing SWC and GU, I will be rewriting UM kind of? Storyline is obviously the same, it’s just gonna be revised. Some tiny things might change, there might be a chapter included or excluded. We’ll see. 
          This story I still want to write I just haven’t been. It will be written however. Hopefully. 
          oh my this story. Alright, so. Obviously I haven’t written that in a while. Great news if you ever happened to have Read that, the entire plot of it is getting transferred into Single with Children! The like three people who read it are so excited.


@heyJazzFace yup. I just figured it might be more interesting since my entire theme now is having at least sixty characters to keep up with in a story. Since, I want a kind of actual story for my characters that stays consistent. The only character in UM series and TT and LI that are in both is me lol. Bc I'm self insert trash. And even TT and LI universe me is barely similar to actual me. UM me is more me. It's kinda similar to how YAMS has a character named after me but isn't me. 


@Skyler_Luke That's funny, I was just thinking, a few days ago, that those stories, since it uses a lot of the same characters, should be condensed and just written together. But I wasn't sure how that would affect the stories, so I didn't suggest it. Kinda funny, I guess.


So, here's the thing... I suck at updating. I want to update Trans Twins, but I have major writers block. That and I'm kinda salty that Unexpected Miracles gets barely any love. So, uh. I'll try and update, in the meantime, please check out Unexpected Miracles. It's much more better written.


Since I'm naming the chapters after songs should I make an 8tracks playlist with the songs I parody or name them after? I just do it upon the song title not even what the song is about most the time tho 


@Skyler_Luke well, I mean, you're the author, it's your choice 


@heyJazzFace true but sometimes the song I picked has like the same name as another song lol like Home there's three songs named Home. 


@Skyler_Luke you could, but odds are people might just look them up without a playlist anyways. Either way.


So alright. Even tho nobody really reads them, You are my sunshine and Young and the speechless are on hold until further notice. I have many other solid ideas and I'd rather work on them. "Love is" has about 10 more chapters, then I may make a sequel? Idk. I also plan on rewriting love is. Trans twins will be my major priority once Love Is finishes however I will be putting out some chapters of Adulthood and working on a few other novels (currently have about 4 ideas. Two which are in progress, two which are in planning phase)